XML-based maps
Objects and maps would be made using XML language. The maps would then
be 'compiled' to faster stage. That way, the game can use those optimized maps.
First we would have the need for a map file. This file contains info about the map,
and what should be in it.
<map name="testmap">
<object type="house" pos="3,1,0" dir="1,0,0">
<object type="player" pos="0,0,0" dir="1,0,0">
<property starthealth="100"></property>
A second XML file could contain the objects itself. Look at the 'type="house"', we don't
know yet what house is, but we'll specify it here
<object name="house">
<subobject type="wall" pos="0,0,0" dir="0,1,0"></subobject>
<object name="wall">
<subobject type="brick" pos="0.2,0,0.3" dir="0,1,0"></subobject>
<subobject type="brick" pos="0.4,0,0.3" dir="0,1,0"></subobject>
<object name="brick">
<object name="player">
<subobject type="leg" pos=",," dir=",,"></subobject>
>property name="starthealth" value="125"></property>
So, those XML-files could then be compiled to a binary format, the actial maps. The idea
would be that the objects have curves, specified with vectors (a circle can be made with
3 vectors). When compiling, it would be possible to tell the compiler how accurate the
map would have to be. If somebody would like to play with a old graphics card, he could
set the number of polygons to the minimal in the compiled version. While one with a kick-
ass system could play with billion's of polygons (playing at foto or movie quality).